Dr Arjumand Younus is an Assistant Professor (Computational Social Science) at UCD School of Sociology. Formerly, she was a Research Scientist in Afiniti AI, and a part-time lecturer in Technological University Dublin. Before this appointment, Arjumand has contributed to SFI funded projects during her different post-doctoral positions at CONSUS-UCD and INSIGHT-UCD. She is also serving in the capacity of co-director for Women in Research Ireland which is a volunteer-run registered charity working for better representation of women and under-represented groups in academia.
Arjumand received a joint PhD in Computer Science from National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland) and University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), MS degree in Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea), and BS in Computer Science from the University of Karachi (Pakistan). She is the recipient of Google Women Techmakers scholarship for Europe, Middle East and Africa region. Her research focuses on Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Data Science for Social Good. Arjumand is passionate about the value of artificial intelligence technology to make society better, and at the moment is involved as an academic partner in various AI for Social Good projects.
Research Interests
Data Science
Natural Language Processing
Information Retrieval
Social Media Analytics
Other Affiliations and Engagements
Geary Fellow, Geary Institute for Public Policy
Member, UCD Centre for Digital Policy
Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lecturer (Part-Time) at TU Dublin
Co-Director of Women in Research, Ireland
PC Member, ICWSM
Media Coverage
Spoke to Journal.ie for Good Information Project on Women in Irish Academia
Covered in Irish Times’ New to the Parish Series by Sorcha Pollock
Universitas’ 21 Champion in Times of COVID19
InEire: Towards an Inclusive Ireland through an Economic Assessment of Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Ireland funded by Irish Research Council: involved as an academic partner
RCES: Rapid Cues Exploratory Search Using Taxonomies For COVID-19: involved as an academic partner
Best Project Award under Net-COVID (Network Epidemiology in Times of Coronavirus) by University of Maryland’s COMBINE program in Network Biology in partnership with the University of Vermont’s Complex Systems Center (2020)
Best Short Paper Award at 8th International Conference of the CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) Association (2017)
Best Poster Award at European Conference on Information Retrieval ECIR (2014)
Google Anita Borg Scholarship (now Women Techmakers) for Women in Computing for Europe, Middle East and Africa (2013)
Hardiman Scholarship from National University of Ireland, Galway for PhD (2011)
KAIST Odysseus scholarship for MS (2009)